Backgammon is the oldest known game in history. It has been known as the "wee battle," backgammon appeared in Mesopotamia (now referred to as Iraq) over 5000 years ago. For all that, Egyptians referred to backgammon as "Senat," which was a similar form of the present game enjoyed at this time. Centuries ago, only individuals in power, the ruling figures of aristocracy like Egyptian kings, were able to enjoy. The game started to grow around the globe since then. Various Backgammon types have been created in numerous countries and societies, but the general codes of those variants appear those of the antiquated form . For example, Greece took hold of the game and called it by the name "bac gamen." From there, the English adopted backgammon in the 17th century and have continued to play it ever since. Backgammon and other antiquated games were not ever welcomed by most clergy. The religious felt that the game was the tool of the Devil. This caused clergy to abolish and destroy the game. The banishment and burning did not prevent individuals competing games and enjoying themselves.

Computers make available a brand-new platform for Backgammon. When different electronic games are available all-over the place, computer intellectuals in Artificial Intelligence (AI) use Backgammon for doing research, advancing and testing AI ideas and algorithms as a result of the simplicity of game policies and complexity of tactics.

With the embracing of the world wide web, backgammon has evolved to a completely new level. A great many may not know that web Backgammon is in fact installed on most of computers running MicroSoft Windows operating systems by default under "Games" menu option. Net Backgammon connects thousands of people all over the world. Once you join an online game website, you can gamble on Backgammon with a computer, or opposed to a real person. Casino sites have been holding Backgammon tournaments regularly. You will be able to participate in Backgammon for enjoyment, or for cash. There are countless of associations dedicated to net backgammon, along with distinctive software that you can download to wager opposed to others. Individuals love Backgammon for the fact that it is uncomplicated yet still depends upon heaps of attention and expertise.