Backgammon is the oldest known game in recorded history. Also known as the "wee battle," backgammon began in ancient Iraq about 5 millennia ago. However, Egyptians called backgammon "Senat," which was a similar style of the present game played today. Centuries ago, only people of influence, the prevailing figures of royalty like Egyptian queens, were permitted to play. The game began to grow around the globe in time. Distinctive Backgammon variants were developed in various regions and cultures, but the basic regulations of those variations resemble that of the antiquated form . For example, Greece took hold of the game and called it by the title "bac gamen." From there, the English started playing backgammon in the 17th century and have remained with it ever since. Backgammon and other antiquated games weren’t ever welcomed by a number of clergy. The churches believe that the game was the work of Beelzebub. This led clergy to blackball and burn the game. The abolishment and burning did not prevent folks taking part in games and having fun.

Technology gives a brand-new arena for Backgammon. When various video games are for sale everywhere, computer academics in Artificial Intelligence (AI) use Backgammon for doing research, advancing and analyzing AI ideas and breakthroughs as a result of the simplicity of game regulations and difficulties of strategies.

With the embracing of the world wide web, backgammon has advanced to a totally new level. Quite a few may not realize that web Backgammon is almost certainly loaded on most of computers that run MicroSoft Windows operating systems by default under "Games" program group. Online Backgammon connects thousands of individuals all over the globe. As soon as you join an online game site, you can play Backgammon with a computer, or opposed to a bona fide player. Betting webpages have been holding Backgammon tournaments consistently. You can participate in Backgammon for fun, or for money. There are tens of thousands of associations devoted to internet backgammon, including exclusive game software that you can retrieve to bet with others. Men and women enjoy Backgammon for the certainty that it is simple however, still requires an abundance of alertness and skill.